4th Anniversary
9:58 PM
ida ahmad
Last thursday was our 4th anniversary. We get married on 5th November 2005. It has been a wonderful journey for me as a wife to a lovely husband.9:58 PM ida ahmad 0 Comments
For the first time, he bought me a bouquet of roses. Hehehe.. delivered to the house early in the morning when Nazhan and me still on bed. Later on the evening, i baked a chocolate cake with the help of my super hero, the food tester.
That's all actually. Very simple celebration. However, within 2 weeks we'll be flying to Gold Coast for a short holiday. I've been planning for this vacation since February, before being pregnant. So, since i'm pregnant at 8 months at that time we are in GC, is just gonna be a simple holiday. Not as adventure as it should be. Maybe the adventure comes in different way with Nazhan around and as we going to take public transpot for the whole vacation. Can't wait for that moment.
Belly Belt for Mommy
9:10 PM
ida ahmad
Biasalah bila perut dah boyot, seluar memang tak muat. Jadi ibu pun create this belly belt. With this, i can still wear all my pants, IAllah. However, this design only suitable with pant or skirt that already have belt holder and also thight and butt that still fit you. Just that, the waist not fit you anymore.9:10 PM ida ahmad 1 Comments
I use a t-shirt kind of fabric that i bought at bundle stall at pasar malam for rm1. Here's how i did it.
1. I cut one side of the shirt starting from the bottom to the height of my belly so that when i wear, it can cover from zip part to top of my belly.
2. The bottom part of the shirt will be the top part of the belly belt. Just sew 2 buttons at both end.
3.Then put an elastic through the existing hole.
4. Cut few small hole at both end of the elastic so that you can adjust the belt and wear it for longer time.
Tara, its done. You can wear it by button up the elastic to your pant or skirt belt holder.
Weekend @ Esplanade
2:52 PM
ida ahmad
Dah lama tak p Esplanade. Dah gerak keluar rumah, baru terfikir nak bawak Nazhan jalan2 pantai. Lagipun dah lama tak ada ambik gambar. Actually, macam tak ada langsung gambar ibu dengan perut yg kian memboyot ni.2:52 PM ida ahmad 0 Comments
So, kami pun terus p tapau nasi lemak for lunch dengan air sekali. Elok2 nak sampai aja, Nazhan dah tertidur. So ibu yg tak puas ati ni, terus aja dukung Nazhan menegak and terjaga la abang long tu dengan menangis tak puas ati. Sebaik aja nampak pantai, terus nak p pantai dan tak ingat nak tidur or makan dah.
Jadi, ibu and abah gilir2 teman Nazhan ke pantai dan jaga barang2 sambil makan. Bila dah dekat setengah jam main pasir, baru la dia terasa lapar. Habis makan, sambung balik aktiviti main pasir dan jalan2 melawat kawasan.
Baby Dress
2:32 PM
ida ahmad
2:32 PM ida ahmad 0 Comments

I managed to sew this dress last Saturday. Only less than a day for a beginner like me. I'm sure others can make it even prettier and less time than me. Hehe, exacly same as the bedsheet. Haha!! Just dun want to waste the fabric if i can't manage to do it well.
You can get the tutorial from here.
There is another thing i plan to sew before baby is born. It is a nursing pillow with C shape. Hope it is going to be great.
Picture of us on 2010 CALENDER
1:52 PM
ida ahmad
Nazhan and myself on IBFAN 2010 calender. IBFAN is an International Baby Food Action Network. It is a non-profit organisation which aims to save lives and to end the avoidable suffering caused by inappropriate infant feeding. Baby Milk Action works within a global network to strengthen independent, transparent and effective controls on the marketing of the baby feeding industry.1:52 PM ida ahmad 0 Comments
There are so much information that you can get regarding breastfeeding and also formula milk at http://www.ibfan.org/index-ibfan.html and http://www.babymilkaction.org/. DO DROP BY!
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Nazhan Milestones
1 month
- follow my movement with his eyes
2 months
- start smiling to people
2 months 1 week
- start to watch tv
- lift his head while lying on his tummy
- start sound more that 1 suku kata such
as qu-ak
2 months 2 weeks
- babble to himself and to anyone who babbles with him
- watch tv
2 months 3 weeks
- roll over from his tummy to his back
3 months 1 week
- start to laugh but so rare
- can hold objects in his hands
3 months 3 weeks
- like to do push up
4 months
- roll over from back to tummy
4 months 1 week
- blow raspberries
- drool
- grasp his feet
6 months
- creep
7 months 1 week
- sit
- 1st tooth
8 months
- crawling
8 months plus
-cruising and still
9 months
-waving bye-bye
10 months
-clapping hands
13 months
-standing 1-2 seconds
13 months 2 weeks
-standing steadily
14 months
-walking 4-5 steps
- follow my movement with his eyes
2 months
- start smiling to people
2 months 1 week
- start to watch tv
- lift his head while lying on his tummy
- start sound more that 1 suku kata such
as qu-ak
2 months 2 weeks
- babble to himself and to anyone who babbles with him
- watch tv
2 months 3 weeks
- roll over from his tummy to his back
3 months 1 week
- start to laugh but so rare
- can hold objects in his hands
3 months 3 weeks
- like to do push up
4 months
- roll over from back to tummy
4 months 1 week
- blow raspberries
- drool
- grasp his feet
6 months
- creep
7 months 1 week
- sit
- 1st tooth
8 months
- crawling
8 months plus
-cruising and still
9 months
-waving bye-bye
10 months
-clapping hands
13 months
-standing 1-2 seconds
13 months 2 weeks
-standing steadily
14 months
-walking 4-5 steps
15 months
-walking steadily
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