11 months to be
Tomorrow i will become 11 months old. I'm still in Penang with ibu alone while abah went back to Miri. I wonder if ibu wanna celebrate it with me. I hope, she will prepare some special meal and give me a present. Hehehe.. She's really poor at cooking especially my meal but still nagged when i'm not finish them. If only i can tell her.Living in Penang is quite ok for me. New enviroment for me to explore when no toys around. Really.. no toys at all. Only yesterday, i got new ball when i attend a birthday party of 2 little sisters, Nureen and Ayuni. They are aunty Amelia's daughters.
Yaa..remembering of their birthday, i wonder if i will have any. I'm still remember that my parents dun want to do it on my 1st birthday. They said i'm still a baby to enjoy it. But if only i can walk when i'm 1, maybe they will consider it again.

Our Family Smiling :D
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