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Projek jahitan langsir
Penat oo jadi fulltime housewife
Budget Percution untuk Island Hopping & Snorkeling di Pangkor
Menu anak picky eater
Bahana Tukar-tukar No Handphone
Homestay di Brinchang, Cameron Highland
Shaklee2u.com: Testimonial Set Penyusuan Shaklee : Penyusuan susu...
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Nazhan Milestones
1 month
- follow my movement with his eyes
2 months
- start smiling to people
2 months 1 week
- start to watch tv
- lift his head while lying on his tummy
- start sound more that 1 suku kata such
as qu-ak
2 months 2 weeks
- babble to himself and to anyone who babbles with him
- watch tv
2 months 3 weeks
- roll over from his tummy to his back
3 months 1 week
- start to laugh but so rare
- can hold objects in his hands
3 months 3 weeks
- like to do push up
4 months
- roll over from back to tummy
4 months 1 week
- blow raspberries
- drool
- grasp his feet
6 months
- creep
7 months 1 week
- sit
- 1st tooth
8 months
- crawling
8 months plus
-cruising and still
9 months
-waving bye-bye
10 months
-clapping hands
13 months
-standing 1-2 seconds
13 months 2 weeks
-standing steadily
14 months
-walking 4-5 steps
- follow my movement with his eyes
2 months
- start smiling to people
2 months 1 week
- start to watch tv
- lift his head while lying on his tummy
- start sound more that 1 suku kata such
as qu-ak
2 months 2 weeks
- babble to himself and to anyone who babbles with him
- watch tv
2 months 3 weeks
- roll over from his tummy to his back
3 months 1 week
- start to laugh but so rare
- can hold objects in his hands
3 months 3 weeks
- like to do push up
4 months
- roll over from back to tummy
4 months 1 week
- blow raspberries
- drool
- grasp his feet
6 months
- creep
7 months 1 week
- sit
- 1st tooth
8 months
- crawling
8 months plus
-cruising and still
9 months
-waving bye-bye
10 months
-clapping hands
13 months
-standing 1-2 seconds
13 months 2 weeks
-standing steadily
14 months
-walking 4-5 steps
15 months
-walking steadily
- Ibu's Expression (144)
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bagusnya Nazhan.
Harith tak suka main dengan Najah.
Nak gaduh je.
Macam mana nak buat ek.
comel tgk derang mandi sesama...
comel2 la anak ida.. kejap je dorang dh besar kan..
anak2 aku comel sebab aku comel. huahua:))..
hida, sebenarnya bukan main together2 tu, cuma main duduk bersama. ahaha:))
camna nak buat ek? kalau beli toy satu, mmg abg ja la conquer. aritu ida beli 2. so bila dia nak, dia tukar la dgn adiknya. adiknya dapat yg abg bagi, tak la mengamuk.
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