Recycle and Save the World
2:08 PM
ida ahmad
2:08 PM ida ahmad 0 Comments

Interested in recycle? Just place recyclable items in front of your house. MCC (Miri City Council) collects recyclable items once a month. If I'm not mistaken on Wednesday, but forget in which week. LOL
Join 3R Buy Back Campaign - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle and turn trash into cash.
Date: Every 1st Saturday
Location:Dewan Suarah Miri
If it rains on the 1st Saturday, it will postponed to the next Saturday.
13 months
11:44 PM
ida ahmad
I'm 13 months old now. Hehe, still not walking. No worry be happy! I only should be worry if i still cant walk when i reach 18 months. Am i right ibu? Still, i love to explore my home.11:44 PM ida ahmad 0 Comments
The other day i went to Aqif's house. He love to dance. I never thought i can dance that well. Maybe because of the dance partner so it made me more excited. Ibu did captured it in video mode but i don want to share it. He he.
But my regular activity is to kick a ball evening time. If the weather is not ok, i'll just kicking in the house. Lately terasa malas nk main bola sangat. After few minutes dah penat and play with fence or ride abah's bike pulak. Need more stamina i guess. Hu hu..
Meanwhile, Ibu had planted back her Chilli. This pokok dah nak mati when we been in Penang for a long vacation. The original plan was to plant a brand new spinach, however this one is still survive. So we just replanted it nicely and kicked away all the rumput yg menumpang. Unfortunately, few days after that, this chilli dah hidup segan and mati mau. Maybe, i'll snap the pic later on.

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Nazhan Milestones
1 month
- follow my movement with his eyes
2 months
- start smiling to people
2 months 1 week
- start to watch tv
- lift his head while lying on his tummy
- start sound more that 1 suku kata such
as qu-ak
2 months 2 weeks
- babble to himself and to anyone who babbles with him
- watch tv
2 months 3 weeks
- roll over from his tummy to his back
3 months 1 week
- start to laugh but so rare
- can hold objects in his hands
3 months 3 weeks
- like to do push up
4 months
- roll over from back to tummy
4 months 1 week
- blow raspberries
- drool
- grasp his feet
6 months
- creep
7 months 1 week
- sit
- 1st tooth
8 months
- crawling
8 months plus
-cruising and still
9 months
-waving bye-bye
10 months
-clapping hands
13 months
-standing 1-2 seconds
13 months 2 weeks
-standing steadily
14 months
-walking 4-5 steps
- follow my movement with his eyes
2 months
- start smiling to people
2 months 1 week
- start to watch tv
- lift his head while lying on his tummy
- start sound more that 1 suku kata such
as qu-ak
2 months 2 weeks
- babble to himself and to anyone who babbles with him
- watch tv
2 months 3 weeks
- roll over from his tummy to his back
3 months 1 week
- start to laugh but so rare
- can hold objects in his hands
3 months 3 weeks
- like to do push up
4 months
- roll over from back to tummy
4 months 1 week
- blow raspberries
- drool
- grasp his feet
6 months
- creep
7 months 1 week
- sit
- 1st tooth
8 months
- crawling
8 months plus
-cruising and still
9 months
-waving bye-bye
10 months
-clapping hands
13 months
-standing 1-2 seconds
13 months 2 weeks
-standing steadily
14 months
-walking 4-5 steps
15 months
-walking steadily
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