I'm a big girl

Last saturday i'm 11 months old and my brother is 3 years old finally. Hehe.. His birthday is end of year and mine is early of year. Remember yeaa, 26th of January 2011, i'm getting 1 year old.

We just had a small celebration for his birthday. Just few nights before his birthday, my uncles, aunties and cousins came to visit my grandma who stayed at our home for few days. So we just had a birthday cake in addition and it became a birthday celebration.

However last saturday, we had a family outing and let him played as much as he wanted at all playlands and arcades we found. During the night, we ordered Domino's pizza and blew his left over cake.

Oh, as for my 11 months progress, i just started to stand by holding things. I thinks i maybe by pass the crawing phase. I'm also love to immitate sound that i hear. I love to eat fruits and beginning to enjoy my meal. Thats all for now.

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