Semaknya rumah

Kalau kita seorang perfectionist, penatlah kalau ada anak yg masih kecil. Serba serbi nak sempurna. Mujurlah saya tidak begitu, mak saya ya. Hehe.. Bila dah beranak kecil, kita kena belajar meletakkan mana keutamaan. Bagi saya, yg plg penting keselamatan, keselesaan dan kegembiraan anak. Maksudnya walaupun rumah tak kemas or cantik mana, paling mustahak,

1.adakah selamat untuk anak2?
-boleh bermain tanpa pengawasan, tak ada wayar berserabut, xada mainan,tisu,kertas yg boleh tertelan dan etc.

2.adakah selesa?
-cukuplah sekadar boleh duduk atau baring. Xada makanan tertumpah yang tidak dilap yang mengundang semut.( saya malas nk lap tiap2 hari satu rumah,walaupun itu yg terbaik sebab saya tak serajin tu.

3.adakah semua org gembira?
-bila saya xpenat bekerja,emosi saya pn alhamdulillah ok. Saya boleh bersama-sama belajar dan main dgn anak saya. Ini membuatkan anak2 saya turut gembira kerana ibu sentiasa ada bersama.

Tak percaya dgn tips saya? Bacalah di bawah ini, panduan dari babycenter. Tak salah menurunkan level kekemasan rumah tu sekali sekala.

When you get to the point that the mess in your home is causing you stress, remember these three powerful words: Lower your standards. It's hard to keep up with the cleaning, laundry, and organization the way you did pre-baby, especially once your little one is able to move about and scatter toys all day long.

To clear up some of the clutter and make yourself feel better, consider focusing on specific, attainable goals. Take care of necessities first and then move on to more complex tasks. Organize your home in ways that will make your daily life easier — perhaps by keeping your baby's diapering supplies or toys in one place. If possible, splurge on some help from a housekeeping service for a one-time overhaul to get back on track. Then make a plan of action — with your partner — to keep future messes to a minimum.

It also helps to talk about your frustrations with other parents. They're likely to sympathize and may be able to share helpful hints.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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